What Are You Waiting For?

Are you, like many others, confused by all the media reports on the state of the property market?

Try and avoid letting the never-ending bombardment of mixed messages and conflicting reports on the market paralyse you into sitting back and doing nothing.

This year could be the best opportunity for you to make that move.

The opportunity to get in early and take advantage at the beginning of a new property cycle doesn’t come around all that often. Despite all the property pessimists’ predictions, the property market has yet to collapse (in fact, it hasn’t collapsed ever). Rather, we have seen the market slightly correct and stabilise and is already moving into the next phase of the property cycle.

Don’t be the one looking back in a few year’s time and saying, “I wish we had moved to the home we wanted when it was right there for us, instead we waited for better times”

If you are buying and selling in the same market, it makes very little financial difference. Your change-over costs will be very similar whether you do it now or later.

Why not start living where you want to be, in your new property, instead of staying in the old property where you don’t want to be? Don’t wait for prices to go up on your current property before selling, because they will also go up on the property you will be buying.

So, get on with your life and enjoy living where you want to be today. What are you waiting for?