When the prospect of selling arises, many emotions come into play – especially for a home seller. Of course, excitement, happiness and fulfilment can be some of these, many times it is the emotion of fear that can drive sellers.
Fear when selling the family home is to be expected. Fear of underselling, fear of the cost of the new property, fear of affordability – and many others. Yet a common fear most home sellers have – that there seems to be little solution to – is the fear of not having somewhere to move to.
It’s strange that for such a common circumstance (buying and selling at the same time), a process doesn’t exist with most agencies ensuring sellers don’t have this fear looming over them when selling.
Goulburn First National Real Estate has a simple four-step process we call The Safe Move that provides home sellers the confidence of selling, without the risk of not finding the perfect home within their timeframe and budget.
Step one is finding a buyer for your current home. Although many sellers feel that finding the new home should come first, knowing how much you’re selling for and when you’re likely to settle are important factors when negotiating to purchase your new home.
Don’t misunderstand step one though, finding a buyer and selling to that buyer are different things.
At this stage, many buyers will happily allow sellers the time needed for them to find their new home, or perhaps even include a clause in the eventual contract making it subject to you (the seller) purchasing your new property safeguarding you completely.
Step two is to find your new home. With budget, timeframe and certainty all in place – you’re ready to venture out to find that perfect home.
Step three is matching your finances. During this step, we at Goulburn First National Real Estate can help you negotiate the price and terms of your new home to ensure they align with your budget and timeframe of your sale.
Step four is buying the new home and selling your existing property. It’s at this stage that contracts are signed and the legal transaction occurs.
Although this is a simple overview of this process, knowing that The Safe Move exists should provide confidence that if you’re experiencing this fear, the team at Goulburn First National Real Estate have a viable solution for you.