When selling your home a good question to ask yourself is would you prefer that your agent show your property to genuine buyers, “lookers” or both? Each time the response is, “genuine buyers”.
One of the primary roles of a real estate agent is to attract genuine buyers to the property, a principle that our agency holds strongly when selling homes.
In the real estate industry this is not always the case. Agents are allowing “lookers” to inspect properties of which they have no intention of purchasing. Agents have found ways to use this to their advantage.
To the untrained eye a “looker” can be mistaken as a buyer and the more of them who inspect a property the more pro-active the agent is perceived to be in the eyes of the seller.
“Lookers” do not buy property. They are simply gauging market prices, getting ideas for renovations or are curious neighbours.
“Lookers” can give sellers false hope thinking there is a great deal of interest in their property, the more “lookers” you have the less likely the chance of getting the highest price.
It is usually the “lookers” who are out spoken and critical of a property during an open inspection which can have a negative impact on genuine buyers, thus lowering the value of the property.
It is far better to show your property only to genuine buyers. In order achieve this you should appoint an agent who qualifies buyers prior to inspections.
At Goulburn First National, all our properties are available for inspection by private appointment. This allows us to be able to pre-qualify the buyer to find out if they are indeed genuinely looking for a property to purchase.
It also allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the buyers and what they are looking for and helps us to build rapport and trust – this is crucial to negotiating a great price for your property.
Inspired by Andrew Trim
Author of “Real Estate Dangers”
Are you interested in reading Real Estate Dangers by Andrew Trim? Contact us to receive your free copy. Email: mail@goulburnre.com.au or call 02 4822 8711